Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Beware of Pain medicines?

NSAIDS/ AntiInflammatory or Pain relieving medicines


These are easily available medicines for pain without doctor's prescription.But, It has serious side effects.

Most common side effects:

1. Heartburn/Acidity
It can cause blockage of protective enzyme receptor and increase acid in the stomach. It can cause ulcers and bleeding in stomach. Watch for black stool while taking these medicines on long term.

2. Liver failure
High dose and long term use can cause damage to liver cells and liver failure specially in people with fatty liver.

3. Kidney(Renal) failure
High dose and long term use can damage kidney cells and can cause slow renal dysfunction. Specially in patient with mild renal problem or diabetes caution is needed.

These medicine can be used safely if for short time/few days, but long term >1week use should be avoided. 

Opioids/ Narcotics


These medicines will not be available without doctor's prescription.

Side effects;

1. Constipation
Most common side effect. 

2. Tolerance
Meaning you no longer respond to drug the same way you responded earlier. Overtime you will need higher doses to get same pain relieving effects

3. Dependence
High chance of becoming mentally addicted and or physically dependent. You get unpleasant symptoms while trying to get rid of that medicine after a longterm use.

4. Respiratory depression 
At higher dose it can cause respiratory depression and death.

These medicine are only for severe pain, its controlled medicines, and should be taken under strict guidance of physician. 

It should be taken only for sort time/3-4 days to avoid dependence. 

  • Other remedies for pain:

Supportive / alternatives to pain medicines:

- Use hot and cold compression
- Bed rest when needed (ex. Disc problems). Avoid more than 3 days of complete bed rest.
- Avoid certain posture ( Ex. For knee pain avoid sitting on the floor, for back pain avoid carrying heavy weight)
'Get up and go'. Try to keep mind busy by activities and productive work. 
- Avoid Stress.
- Swimming and Walking are good exercise
- Ginger, Turmeric and Capsaicin, Lavender oil and Eucalyptus oil are natural remedies which might help.

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